Browser Tamer Help


Default browser

By default, Browser Tamer takes the first browser it finds and opens all the links in it.

You can change the default browser by clicking the "heart" button on the tab of the profile you want to set as default. This will also be reflected in the browser list:


Additionally, status bar will show the default browser:

Default sb

Custom arguments

Both user-defined and system (autodetected) browsers have an additional argument added. This is "extra arg". Browser Tamer does not allow modifying arg to avoid breaking basic functionality.

Extra params


Browser Tamer can now optionally log rule hits to a .csv file. It can be enabled in General menu:


and the file path can be found in "File" menu.

The file itself has all the information about the rule hit event:

  • timestamp

  • browser id

  • browser name

  • profile name

  • URL

  • rule description

  • calling process name (if available)

  • calling process window title (if available)

Audit csv
Last modified: 25 July 2024