Package Managers
Installing with package managers is unfortunately counterproductive. Browser Tamer used to be in Scoop and WinGet, but I have requested to remove it in both WinGet and Scoop.
Browser Tamer is a free and open-source system utility made by one person in spare time. This means I don't have time to properly support external package managers.
Community efforts so far have left package managers with ancient, outdated versions.
Browser Tamer very often triggers antivirus false-positives, because:
it scans your system to autodetect the browsers installed, and this is apparently considered dangerous by robots or mindless individuals.
Browser Tamer does not have a code signing certificate, because I can't afford one.
Package managers don't like system utilities and block submissions if any antivirus triggers a warning. I don't have time to convince them it's not. Again it's a personal hobby project, not a business.