Parquet.Net Help

Parquet Floor

Floor is a reference implementation of the desktop application to view Parquet files. It was created as a demonstration of what is possible with Parquet.Net library, and as a visual validator of parquet files for visual thinkers.

It is not a competitor to any other parquet viewers out there, quite possibly outshining Floor in terms of features and performance. However, it is a good starting point for anyone who wants to create their own parquet viewer.

Floor simple


  • Visually pleasant and easy to use UI, supporting dark and light themes, available as a native application for Windows, Linux and MacOSX.

  • View parquet files in a table-like view, with full support for nested structures, lists and maps.

  • Explore parquet schema in a tree view.

  • Explore parquet low-level metadata.

  • Convert files to CSV format.


There are no prerequisites to install Floor, simply download the latest version from the releases section and run it. Floor is a self-contained application, it does not require .NET runtime to be installed.

Last modified: 27 February 2025